State Board Committees and Special Committees

The purpose of the State Board of Community Colleges committees is to facilitate the work of the State Board. Standing Committees are typically comprised of board members with liaisons from the NC Community College Presidents Association and NC Community College Trustees Association (non-voting members). The liaisons provide insight from the local college perspective. The Committee meetings are typically the Thursday before a full board meeting. The Board discusses and/or approves a variety of items relating to Programs, Business and Finance, Policy and Governance, Auditing, the System Strategic Plan, and other topics under their purview.

The State Board of Community Colleges Committees are:

Accountability and Audit Committee

Finance Committee

Personnel Committee

Programs and Student Success Committee

State Board Policy and Governance

Strategic Planning Committee

Additionally, the State Board has the following Special Committees:

Excellence in Teaching Award Committee

President of the Year Award Committee

Staff Person of the Year Award Committee

System Advisory Council

200 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

(919) 807-7100